rdfdata.org data
rdfdata.rdf (88K on 2005-03-29) is an RDF file of all the entries on this web site, and rdfdata.rss is an RSS 1.0 feed of the most recent entries. The table of contents below links to groupings of the entries.
Data Categories
Bibliographic information
Logs from chat sessions
Friend-of-a-Friend related
Geographical information
Document metadata
Metadata about general web resources
Metadata provided via a web service
Hardware metadata
Image metadata
Personal Information Management metadata
Reference works
RSS collections and related metadata
Scheduling information: airlines, television...
Semantic Web related
Software metadata
W3C related
Bibliographic information
University of Georgia Semantic web-related bibliography
Computer science bibliographic information on work related to semantic web. Part of the University of Georgia's LSDIS Project.
University of Hannover Semantic Web Bibliography
From the Institut für Informationssysteme, Wissenbasierte Systeme (Information Systems Institute, Knowledge Based Systems).
Bibliography of ISWC 2004 Papers
From the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference in Hiroshima.
Bibliography of ISWC 2004 Poster Sessions
From the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference in Hiroshima.
University of Aberdeen Computer Science bibliography
University of Aberdeen bibliography (general CS topics) as part of the Advanced Knowledge Technologies project. (more)
Bibliography of INS2 publications
From the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica's Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction group. (HTML version)
daml.org publications list
"A list of refereed publications resulting from the DARPA DAML program." Other versions of list.
IngentaConnect RSS TOCs (2004-12-28) Using IngentaConnect, you pay for access to most articles from their selection of hundreds of academic journals, but bibliographic information is free. Navigate to the table of contents for a particular issue (for example, http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mitpress/mlang/2000/00000002/00000002 for an issue of the now-defunct "Journal of Markup Languages"), replace the "www" in the URL with "api" and add "?format=rss" at the end and you'll get an RSS 1.0 version of the bibliographic information that uses the PRISM namespace and several others: http://api.ingentaconnect.com/content/mitpress/mlang/2000/00000002/00000002?format=rss. (Leigh Dodds announcement)
DAML annotation of bibliography entries for journal articles
About 1300 entries from the SRI's AI center. (more)
Hewlett Packard's Research Labs Technical Reports (2005-02-02) Created as part of MIT's SIMILE project.
AI bibliography
Over three thousand titles. Created as part of the Webscripter project. (Bad rdf:ID values, though; they have spaces in them.)
AKT project bibliographies (2005-02-09) 69 files available in both RDF/XML and n3 (plus some half-gigabyte aggregations) of bibliographies on a wide range of subjects. Part of the Advanced Knowledge Technologies project. (more)
University of Bristol Dept. of Computer Science research papers
Metadata about papers from 1988 - 2002 and their authors. (more)
New books in the National University of Ireland, Galway (2005-03-17) Individual files for various categories of books and one all-new-books.rdf master file. (library home page)
iTrust conference paper survey (2005-03-21) From their 2003 and 2004 conferences. In n3. (more on iTrust)
UniProt protein sequence and annotation data (2004-09-02)
Gene Ontology Consortium data in several formats (2004-09-04) The Gene Ontology Consortium has data in several formats. As per the README file, you want the files whose names with "xml" in their names.
biology keywords
Over 870 keywords such as "3Fe-4S" and "Sialic acid". Hosted by the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
Mouse Gene Sequences (2004-11-11) Data for project "Effects of Alternative Splicing on Transmembrane Proteins in the Mouse Genome". Page links to 19 files in a choice of RDF or N3 formats.
Logs from chat sessions
London Perl Mongers Chat Logs (2004-09-27) File listing links to rdf, txt, and html versions
Musicbrains chatlogs (2004-09-27) One per day since 15 February 2003.
Chat log discussions of FOAF technology (2004-09-30) From the rdfweb.org folk
Ken MacLeod's IRC chat logs (2005-02-15) Over 50 files generated with Dave Beckett's logger.pl bot.
Friend-of-a-Friend related
FOAFWiki (2004-09-02) List of FOAF files.
FOAFWiki Data Sources (2004-09-29) "FOAF data and where to get it"
An RDF Harvester Starting Point (2004-09-02) Pointers to mosty FOAF data.
SWAD-Europe 2003 collections of FOAF entries (2004-09-02) Arranged by group membership.
FOAF files of historical figures (2004-09-04) FOAF (plus some custom properties) data for a motley collection of historical figures
FOAF crawler results
Dan Bricklin rdfweb.org project
cwm.py-generated _out.rdf file
DAML equivalences, FOAF information, document metadata, all kinds of stuff.
FOAFCorp data
Corporate friends of friends: top personnel at large corporations. (more)
Geographical information
Airport information
Full name, location, and other information about airport associated with the 3-letter IATA code passed as a parameter. See the DAML HTML Gateway Tools page for more information.
Find out when sunrise, sunset, and related events will take place on a given date at a given longitude and latitude. RDF/XML, n3, or HTML.
DAML Geofile (2005-01-03) "The Geofile is a reference database that describes world locations. There are about 56700 locations in the file. Locations include cities, airports (various types), bodies of water, etc." Includes an ontology, an XSD schema of the datatypes, and a 40-meg data file.
U.S. States and Regions
States, their capitals, postal abbreviations, border states, and regions.
U.S. Cities
800 U.S. cities with IDs and the states where they're located.
ISO 312-66-1 and FIPS 10-4 country codes (2005-01-07) Regenerated nightly. Includes a link to data sources that add properties to these country IDs.
A watershed listing
Hydrologic units: US Geological Survey data on watersheds in U.S. "A watershed is composed of different water bodies, such as aquifers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams and wetlands, each of which is associated with a HUC number."
Airport codes
IATA three-letter code, full name, city, and country for 1,902 airports.
Canadian states and territories
Including capitals, postal codes, and border states.
Information about Russia
From Lockheed Martin's Advanced Tecnology Laboratories. Same directory includes a russiaA.n3 file.
XML.com article (with pointers to data) about U.S. Senate Metadata (2004-09-04)
Paul Ford's files of data on the U.S. Senate: senators.rdf, Senators_GIA.rdf (See also his XML.com article on this project).
U.S. Presidential polling data
From http://www.electoral-vote.com. Updated every hour.
U.S. Congressional metadata (2004-10-20) Gzipped files of metadata about U.S. senators, representatives, bills, and votes of the current session of Congress. Comments to comments@govtrack.us are welcome.
List of U.S. Navy units (2005-01-10) June 2002 file created by the DAML project from the "Standard Naval Distribution List."
Document metadata
Metadata about general web resources
Metadata provided via a web service
NYSE ticker symbol information
Company name, industry type, and more information associated with a stock ticker symbol. See the DAML HTML Gateway Tools page for more information.
U.S. Zip Code information
City, state, and more information associated with the zip code passed as a parameter. See the DAML HTML Gateway Tools page for more information.
Airport information
Full name, location, and other information about airport associated with the 3-letter IATA code passed as a parameter. See the DAML HTML Gateway Tools page for more information.
MusicBrains web service (2004-10-13) Information about building a client to retrieve RDF from their database via their REST API. For example links directly to RDF of artist, album, and track information, see the Cheese and Onions page.
Intellidimension Semantic Web Search (2004-10-14) Documentation for Intellidimension RDF web service. See also their query builder/tester, which includes a "samples" drop-down list box that shows the URLs for some sample queries and executes them.
Find Nearest Airport
By latitude and longitude or by IATA airport code. Returns RDF/XML, n3, or HTML.
Find out when sunrise, sunset, and related events will take place on a given date at a given longitude and latitude. RDF/XML, n3, or HTML.
Dublin Core Metadata Registry (2004-10-18) Web service lets you query the Dublin Core's metadata registry. The site provides both a REST interface and a SOAP Interface.
Nokia's URIQA RDF Gateway (2004-10-19) Returns RDF about a wide variety of Nokia resources. See Patrick Stickler's 2004-10-18 rdf-interest posting for background and sample URLs.
Web service of Star Alliance flight information
Produced by Jim Ley, along with an SVG app that lets you navigate the returned information.
W3C Markup Validation Service (2004-11-30) URL-driven validator can return report in EARL RDF. (output option documentation) (sample request) (more on EARL)
RDF of flickr metadata (2005-01-17) Web service provides RDF version of metadata about a picture on flickr.com. Dont' be fooled by the nice layout—do a View Source to see that it's RDF, but passed to your browser via an XSLT stylesheet. From The Web Kanzaki. (example)
Hardware metadata
UAProf profiles (2004-09-04)
Profiles (background on Agent Profiles) for a long list of devices.
Image metadata
Metapihi Collection of New Zealand Images (2004-11-10) 50,000 pictures relating to Aotearoa New Zealand culture. For any image's page, click "See Description" and then "View Dublin Core Record" to see metadata for that image. (example) (background)
w3photo.org metadata (2004-12-16) The web site hosts "A Semantic-Photo History of the IW3C2 Conferences"; the hundreds of images have accompanying RDF files. Replacing the file extension in any photo's URL with "rdf" seems to bring up its metadata. (Wouldn't it be great if flickr.com did this?)
RDF of flickr metadata (2005-01-17) Web service provides RDF version of metadata about a picture on flickr.com. Dont' be fooled by the nice layout—do a View Source to see that it's RDF, but passed to your browser via an XSLT stylesheet. From The Web Kanzaki. (example)
Metadata for Morten Frederiksen's photos
all.rdf file is a starting point for scuttering.
picdiary.com picture metadata (2005-02-28) Pictures by Matt Biddulph, metadata in RSS 1.0.
Metadata for Jip de Kort's photos (2005-03-01) Add ?tmpl=image-foaf to the URL for an image, such as http://www.kwark.org/Gfx/2005/2005Week08/dscn9091.Kariboestraat.jpg.html, to see RDF of the metadata for the image. (example)
Web Kanzaki image metadata (2005-03-03) RDF files point to XSLT stylesheets for display in Mozilla and Internet Explorer, often with clickable image maps implemented.
Endless Photographic Project metadata (2005-03-07) Not many pictures, considering the project's name, but a nice idea. Data en français. (more)
Gerald Oskoboiny's picture metadata (2005-03-14) Google counts over 4,000. Replace the .rdf extension with .jpg to see the picture or with .html to see a page showing the picture, HTML of the metadata, and a link to the RDF.
Aaron Swartz's picture metadata (2005-03-16) In n3.
Gregory Williams' image metadata
About 8 megs. (300K bzipped version)
2002-08 Survey of RDF data on the web (2004-09-02) By Andreas Eberhart of the University of Karlsruhe.
Jesús Barrasa Rodríguez collection of several RDF data sets (2004-09-02) Natural Protected Areas in Spain, Members of the IA dept. at the Facultad de Informática of the UPM, and Teaching staff from the Escuela Universitaria de Informática of the UPM.
Research project descriptions (2004-09-27) Two files of Research Project Descriptions from Andrei Lopatenko of the University of Manchester
UK HE computer science community metadata (2004-09-28) Gathered as part of the Hyphen effort. More information at the AKT Triplestore homepage.
Conference description metadata
"RDF model providing Seamark-based faceted search and navigation over
Proc. Int. Conf. on Dublin Core and Metadata for e-Communities 2002."
A mix of ontology, FOAF data, bibliographic data, and more from the University of Maryland's Professor James Hendler—and what a great filename.
DAML file of European royalty
Information on 3010 individuals and 1422 families demonstrates ged2daml program for converting GEDCOM genealogical data to DAML files. (more)
Telephone Country Codes
In OWL. Done as part of the DAML project. (more)
U.S. Telephone Area Codes and Exchanges (2005-01-13) According to DAML Data Sources page (here) a "North American area codes and exchanges" listing, but I couldn't find any from Canada or Mexico. Area codes show the state of a phone number's origin and the exchange shows the city. OWL and DAML files.
Wine/Food Ontology
I'd like a glass of http://ontolingua.stanford.edu/doc/chimaera/ontologies/wines.daml#SEMILLON-OR-SAUVIGNON-BLANC with my http://ontolingua.stanford.edu/doc/chimaera/ontologies/wines.daml#SHELLFISH, please.
World currencies
Currency name, ISO code, and link to ISO code for country name.
Terrorist acts
OWL file with details about over 1300 terrorist acts since 1988.
Subway line information for three cities (2005-01-24) OWL lists of stops on Washington DC Metro, Boston MBTA, and San Francisco BART.
CMU Projects
Information about 363 projects at Carnegie Mellon University such as "Motion Planning for Serpentine Robots" and "Automated Face Analysis". Done as part of a 2001 CMU homework assignment (more)
Advanced Knowledge Technologies Triplestore (2005-02-11) "The AKT Triplestore is an RDF store containing information about the UK HE computer science community." Thousands of files, with lots of bibliographies and information about projects and people. (more)
RAE research funds metadata (2005-02-21) Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) information on UK public research funds, including researcher names, fields of research, submitted publications, and other information. (more)
325 Project listing of events
'The goal of the "325 Project" is to comprehensively document the year 325 when the west became Christian.' Not a huge file yet yet, but it looks like it (and people.rdf in the same directory) will be growing. (more)
RDF parser test data (2005-03-15) Developed by Graham Klyne for HARP (his "Haskell RDF Parser").
Mutopia project (2004-09-02) Like the Gutenberg project, but for sheet music.
musicbrainz (2004-09-02) Metadata about albums.
Guitar chord fingerings (2005-03-18) In RDF/XML and n3, covering some pretty complex chords. Surprisingly readable.
Metadata about Elvis impersonators
At last, the semantic web is complete. Extensive metadata about 81 Elvis impersonators, some with scary videoclips. (slurred southern accent:) "Thank you, thank you very much."
Personal Information Management metadata
Mailing list message metadata
Created by Phil Suh as part of his Metamail RDF Vocabulary project
Structured to-do list with metadata
To-do list serving as example data from Webscripter project at USC's Information Sciences Institute. "WebScripter is a tool that enables ordinary users to easily and quickly assemble reports extracting and fusing information from multiple, heterogeneous DAMLized Web sources." (more)
Reference works
WordNet 1.6 as RDF (2004-09-02) On-line lexical reference system. See also DAML version.
Stanford TAP knowledge base (2004-09-02) Includes RDF on places, musicians, organizations, athletes, and products (bottom of page).
DMOZ RDF dump (2004-09-02) Open Directory Project. In addition to large dump file, try adding "index.rdf" to any DMOZ page to see an RDF version of the displayed data. See also w3.org DmozRdf wiki page about converting DMOZ data from being "RDF-like" to something that RDF parsers can really read.
2001 CIA World Fact Book (2004-09-02) In DAML.
1999 CIA World Fact Book
On-To-Knowledge case study data.
maximumedge.com on-line encyclopedia taxonomy (2004-09-29) RDF file embedded inside of an HTML file.
OpenGuides City Guides (2004-10-28) Look for the "RDF/XML for this node" link on most pages in the OpenGuides Wiki of guides to cities in the UK, Europe, and the US. Great for addresses and geospatical data on museums, restaurants, etc.
W3C Glossary and Dictionary entries (2005-02-04) RDF versions of definitions from W3C Technical Reports. Developed as part of MIT's Simile project. (more)
DAML version of Universal Standard Products and Services Classification Code
A list of product codes and ontology information from the merger of two United Nations and Dun and Bradstreet projects: "the first coding system to classify both
products and services for use throughout the global marketplace." For example, while Space-based-war (unspsc-code 92112404) is a subClass of Armed-conflicts-and-incidents, Sturgeon (unspsc-code 50121515) is a subClass of Fresh-or-frozen-fish-and-fish-byproducts. Seriously.
kings, pharoahs, presidents... (2005-03-31) "The purpose of historical-id.info is to provide unique URIs for historical figures, and to publish some simple RDF containing identifying information."
RSS collections and related metadata
Monkeyfist's archive of RSS 1.0 items
Essays, argument, politics, technology, culture.
Moreover channel directory listing
Metadata about Moreover Technology's RSS news feeds.
Archived RSS entries on nutrition, food safety, and more.
From the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Affiliate Feeds "Recent Entry" list
Looks like transient RSS 1.0 items and not a growing collection of triples that we can count on remaining there, but it's still pretty big, and a lot of it's in Japanese, which should make it valuable for testing RDF apps. See also their Recent Site Entry file.
Inventati RSS archives
Several months of RSS 1.0 entries in English and Italian from Italian Internet activists.
windy.ac RSS archive
Japanese RSS archive in Shift-JIS encoding
Holopedia RSS archive
Taiwanese archive of postings since May 2003 is a mix of English and Chinese text.
archive: Ganesh Swami's weblog
Nature Publishing Group RSS (2004-12-08) In addition to the RSS feeds announced at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-interest/2004Oct/0286.html that describe current offerings from multiple scientific publications at NPG, RSS items from previous issues are stored in URLs of the form http://www.nature.com/nsmb/journal/v11/n9/rss.rdf. NPG's use of names from the PRISM namespace is an excellent example of RSS 1.0 using its RDF basis to extend the classes of metadata that can be stored in an RSS feed. (More on Nature's use of PRISM)
2log-labo RSS archive
In Japanese.
picdiary.com picture metadata (2005-02-28) Pictures by Matt Biddulph, metadata in RSS 1.0.
Weblog archives at Happy John Software (2005-03-02) A series of RSS 1.0 files.
Scheduling information: airlines, television...
Airline flight schedule
A complete airline flight schedule for the fictional Snee Air Express, based on the schedule of a real airline. There are over 10,000 flights listed in the 5.5 meg RDF/XML file. Most of the ontology comes from http://www.daml.org/2001/06/itinerary/itinerary-ont, but I had to make up a namespace for a few pieces of information. I'd be happy to hear any suggestions about the structure, names, etc. used in the data. - Bob
Web service of Star Alliance flight information
Produced by Jim Ley, along with an SVG app that lets you navigate the returned information.
London tube schedules
Information from the Tube Planner to use in planning trips on the London Underground. See also tube_nested.rdf.
RDF Calendaring and Scheduling example data (2004-11-01) Lots of good files. See also the documentation and overview.
Paul Hollands' personal calendar
RDF of Paul Hollands' ICalendar data created with Dan Connolly's Python conversion tool.
NCAA College American Football Schedules (2005-01-11) Data is from 2002, but page provides links to current NCAA CSV files and Java program to process them into up-to-date versions. football-2002.daml provides the schedules, referencing schools using URLs ending with a number, and institutions.daml assigns name labels to the numbers.
Time Zone information by city (2005-01-18) Cities around the world, their time zone, and daylight savings status.
Web Kanzaki calendar files (2005-03-04) New York comedy appearances, classical music tours, museum events. In English and Japanese, and files point to an XSLT stylesheet that formats data in a calendar grid.
Movie theater schedules from 2002
Part of a University of Aberdeen AgentCities project. (more)
Agenda of the 62nd IETF meeting in March 2005
With meeting times and locations. (more)
Semantic Web related
Simile Project data (2004-09-04)
The Simile Project has zipped files of RDF in the subdirectories of the directories listed. See also the README file.
Semantic Web Environmental Directory (2004-09-04)
Semantic Web Environmental Directory: Download portal.zip from the Technical Resources page, unzip it, and you'll find 380K of n3 files in portal/web/data/swed and a bit more scattered in other subdirectories of portal/web.
In OWL. Be warned, this is a direct link to a 24MB ontology They warn that this takes approximately 9 hours to load into Protege (though I don't know what machine they were using). -- Richard Newman
Schemas for the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model
CIDOC CRM "provides definitions and a formal structure for describing the implicit and explicit concepts and relationships used in cultural heritage documentation."
Intellectual Property Rights Ontology (IPRonto)
From the The Distributed Multimedia Applications Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona
Ontology for property-level data
From the vaguely-named Data Consortium, "an organization for the creation, maintenance, and promulgation of universal communication protocols for the commercial equity real estate industry."
(KA)2 Ontology
Metadata about research papers in the Knowledge Acquisition community.
University of Georgia Semantic web-related bibliography
Computer science bibliographic information on work related to semantic web. Part of the University of Georgia's LSDIS Project.
"RDF Crawler" data
Lots of DAML properties about various people and other resources. Part of the 2000-11-27 RDF Crawler project from http://ontobroker.semanticweb.org.
Euler Proof Mechanism project data
2002 AGFA inference engine research project includes sample RDF/XML and n3 data. (more)
University of Hannover Semantic Web Bibliography
From the Institut für Informationssysteme, Wissenbasierte Systeme (Information Systems Institute, Knowledge Based Systems).
2003 Dublin Core Conference - FOAF Agents
"This file describes the authors of papers and posters in the conference proceedings and their affiliated organizations."
2003 Dublin Core Conference metadata - Tracks, Papers, and Posters
"This file describes the tracks, papers and posters in the conference proceedings."
Bibliography of ISWC 2004 Papers
From the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference in Hiroshima.
Bibliography of ISWC 2004 Poster Sessions
From the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference in Hiroshima.
OWL-related test results
Part of the WonderWeb project. (more on WonderWeb)
DAML researchers (2005-01-06) Information about project participants is available in DAML, OWL, and non-RDF XML formats.
Metadata on the semantic web community
Tools, projects, people. Hosted by semanticweb.gr.
Semantic Blogging Demonstrator (2005-02-17) Clicking "XML format" or "N3 format" on any entry leads to an RDF version that's escaped and wrapped in HTML; remove "&readable" from the end of the URL to see the real RDF version.
Semantic Web Projects
Information about semantic web projects extracted from a Sesame database. (more)
AKT Research Map
"The AKT Research Map describes research activities that have been carried out within the AKT project and the progress and relevant information about these activities."
Test files for Euler proof mechanism (2005-03-22) Euler is an inference engine hosted at sourceforge, and includes a large number of test files in n3. (more)
RDFStore query use cases
Query use cases for sourceforge project RDFStore in one big file. Also available in separate files. (directory of files)
Software metadata
Freshmeat metadata (2004-10-12) Directory listing shows several RDF files, although the 85 meg one doesn't look like real RDF.
FOAF-flavored Freshmeat metadata (2004-09-04)
I had an initial crack at converting the Freshmeat data export into FOAF. Transform and data are here. Mailing list announcement. Probably should convert to DOAP these days though -- LeighDodds
MOOzilla configuration data
"MOOzilla is a cross-platform MOO client capable of rendering inline HTML directly from a MOO."
Trustix build metadata (2004-09-24) Directory listing that includes RDF files listing resources at Trustix, "a Linux distribution for servers with focus on security and stability."
Goodie Domain Service metadata (2004-09-29) From Vienna's University of Technology: thousands of files of metadata about files used in open source projects.
tinysofa file information (2004-09-29) Metadata about files for building Linux-based operating system.
Metadata about Red Hat kernel source (2004-10-25) Nine files, most about half a meg.
MKDoc Testers
Metadata about testing (and testers) of mkdoc web publishing application. (more)
DAML Tools
"Tools used by various participants in the DAML program." (more)
Bug report from sourceforge project Introspector
"The Introspector enables the programming tools that deal with source code such as the compiler to communicate in a standard and neutral manner reducing the accidental cost of programming... The usage of RDF or Resources Description Format as the underlying representation is of essential importance." (project home page)
W3C related
Metadata about W3C technical reports
Metadata about W3C technical reports and other files
IW3C2 conference picture metadata (2004-09-29) Link is a Google query for the individual files for each picture.
w3photo.org metadata (2004-12-16) The web site hosts "A Semantic-Photo History of the IW3C2 Conferences"; the hundreds of images have accompanying RDF files. Replacing the file extension in any photo's URL with "rdf" seems to bring up its metadata. (Wouldn't it be great if flickr.com did this?)
DOAML sample data on W3C mailing lists
Data describing W3C mailing lists to demonstrate the Description Of A Mailing List ontology.
W3C groups and activities
Actiivities, home pages, time frames, and mailing lists. Lots of good links showing relationships.
W3C talks
Talks given on W3C-related topics. Metadata often in the same language as the talk itself, and a variety of languages are represented (English, Japanese, Finnish, Spanish...)
Dependencies among W3C CSS technical reports
Too bad the dependencies were identified using the http://www.example.org/dep# "namespace", though.