logordfdata.org: news archive

(News moved off of the rdfdata.org home page.)

2004-11-19 There was only one entry on rdfdata.org for a schema with no accompanying data (Schemas for the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model) and I removed it. A whole web site could be devoted to RDF schemas alone, and a whole web site is: SchemaWeb, and they're happy to have you submit schemas there.

2004-11-05 In general, the rdfdata.org wiki is the place to suggest new entries and corrections, and the suggestions are removed after being acted upon. But, some discussions there are too good to throw out, so they're being moved to a new page: the rdfdata.org wiki archive.

2004-10-13 New section: RDF Web Services. The DAML HTML Gateway Tools aren't large RDF files, like most of what's on this web site, but something even better: REST-based web services. You give them a URL like http://www.daml.org/cgi-bin/airport?LGA and they give you back a chunk of relevant RDF—in this case, metadata about the airport with the IATA code LGA. For now, all I've got are the three daml.org ones and the MusicBrains one, but I hope to have more. Keep your eye out, and add any you hear about to the rdfdata.org wiki.

2004-09-29 I've redesigned the web site and added an RSS 1.0 feed to keep people informed of new entries as they're added. Instead of archiving it, I've just made all the data on the site available in one big RDF file: rdfdata.rdf. Creating the XHTML for the web pages from RDF/XML has been interesting.

2004-09-07 Welcome to the new home of the web site formerly known as http://www.snee.com/rdfdata. Future plans include an RSS feed to notify subscribers of new entries (which will be archived—let's all encourage everyone to make RSS archives available!) and an RDF representation of the links on this site that point directly to RDF files.



